Saturday, December 24, 2016

5 Gadgets that are expected to DISAPPEAR within 2020

As we all know that gadgets have been one of our daily necessities.We use it every day and most of us can't live without it.There were some gadgets that used to be very useful in their era but nowadays some other gadgets have taken their place.Some of the most useful and important gadgets were Alarm clock,CDs, and DVDs,Walkman,radio,flat TVs,DVD players,Digital Cameras etc.But their place had taken by our smartphones.Our Smartphones can do all these things alone.Some of the Gadgets we will barely see in 2020 are mentioned below:

1) Video Games
 Video games used to provide extreme entertainment and fun to the  90's kid.We all remember that ram-looking cartridge containing 999999 or even more games and also remember that the actual games were not more than 100 but still we can play with it a whole day and whole night.Many of us have played with it and it was the platform in which we played the World Famous Game: Super Mario.We all have played Super Mario in our childhood and it is the best Memories for many of us.Killing those small monsters,watching Mario growing up after eating that red mushroom and getting 1-ups with green mushrooms,trying to jump higher from that wall or something to score 5000 was best memories of our childhood and will also be the best memories for us to remember when we get old.

But in the near future,we won't be able to see those video games,those cartridge.They are expected to completely disappear by 2025.The modern gaming console like PSP and Xbox is our new choice and today's kids also.Though it is going to disappear very soon but the joy,fun and happiness it has provided to us are not comparable to anything.I am very sure the  kids of today will never know what was a video game and they will also never know how much happiness it has provided to the 90's kids.

2)CDs and DVDs
 Some couple of years ago, CDs and DVDs were the only things that were used to store our files like songs,videos,photos, and software.I still remember buying those and doing some kind of burning process.One of my worst experience with CD was when it was shattered by my CD drive because I did not insert it properly.DVDs were the same but it can store more.Buying those blank DVDs and storing and writing what has been stored in it on its white surface so that we don't have to search between that stack of CDs and DVDs in future was not so easy and if somehow forget then it was a real pain to find the CD and have to check every CDs. 

Nowadays,we don't use DVDs that much.None of us use DVDs to store files,we all have pen drives and memory cards.It only came into use while installing either software or games.Though the DVDs will not completely disappear very soon but I know those 700MB CDs will disappear in near future.

3)Digital Cameras
Since the debut of the Apple iPhone 4 in 2010 with its game-changing camera.Big camera companies like Canon,Nikon and sony are forced to manufacture high-end Cameras because low-end cameras are completely replaced by the smartphones.Most of the smartphones have 5 to 16 megapixel cameras so why would anyone even bother to carry those cameras when they have it on their phones.In just a few years,Smartphones will have even better cameras with higher resolutions and better lenses providing better quality pictures than digital, the people who just want some snaps will take it with their smartphones and who wants higher quality pictures with higher resolution will choose DSLR or SLR or any other high-end there is no use of low-end Digital cameras in the near future.

4)Alarm Clock
Just like how Smartphones is going to take the place of Digital cameras,Alarm clock will also be replaced by the Smartphones.Yeah,there used to be a time when alarm clock was one of the most important gadgets for many of us.In fact,It used to be our life saver.But nowadays,Many of us don't use an alarm clock.I don't remember when I used it last time and maybe you also don't remember , right?Why to use those Alarm clocks with annoying tones when you can set your favorite music to wake you up in the morning.A survey was taken some years ago shows that people use their mobile phones as an alarm more than they used to make,in the near future,Alarm clock is going to be obsolete.

5)DVD Players
As we have already discussed that CDs and DVDs are going to be obsolete in near future.It is obvious that there will be no use of DVD players.Just try to remember when did you watch movies with DVD players.Some years ago,I also used to watch movies with DVD players but now I don't even where is it.Because of Netflix,all those have died just because of this one website.Why should someone even bother to buy those DVDs when he can watch it on his smartphones or smart TVs wit 4K quality.Still, there is a use of DVDs and DVD players in some villages of developing countries but it won't last any longer there also.

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